The Tech of the Future

by Nathan S.

Thursday Nov 7, 2024

I think that technology makes up a large portion of what we see everyday, maybe a majority. I dont know what style of distinguished individuals would be the ones deciding how technology gets reaserched and developed, but I do know that technology is only adopted as a standard if its good.

I want to believe that the technology we stick with is being decided on by the mass perspective of rational thinking individuals, but I fear that too many have given their vote, the vote of what they want out of the future, to their employer or their insurance provider, or their cell phone manufacturer. I know how important it is to have a say about the things that will affect you for the rest of your life and of future generations. I would even risk my whole future on having an input on the application of technology and that is absurd, but so is the misuse of technology that is already possible with whats out there today. if we dont do something now, we wont have a say to stop it anymore without a decision to turn against our own. it needs to be avoided at all costs, and so I will try.

Even if both of us do our best to keep from being captured by technology, there will always be someone who is making a technology to capture us. These persons are not always evil, but most would agree that what theyre doing is evil. I can not yet put a stop to it, but I can change the way I see the technology thats being made. Use a technology, Dont let a technology use you.

Love generously, but dont let love blind you. Trust yourself and those whose character is true. Have faith that you are, and forget any fear that you arent. Know that your higher power is always watching and provides you the best.